SwiftUI - The Complete iOS 18 Developers Bible and Cookbook
A SwiftUI Reference Course and Cookbook for everything SwiftUI
Updated for iOS 18!
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Learn to develop applications with SwiftUI!
This course is a compendium of SwiftUI code and "How to's" from the blockbuster best seller book SwiftUI for Masterminds, by J.D Gauchat.

Learn how to create applications for iPhones, iPads and Mac computers with hundreds of downloadable examples and projects, explained in dozens of hours of video instruction. From this course, you can get the code you need, understand how it works, and incorporate it into your projects. This course is different than other courses, in that we don’t just scratch the surface, or build a few simple apps. We give you the entire SwiftUI framework, explained.

24.5 hours on-demand video
182 downloadable resources
Full lifetime access
Welcome to the video course of SwiftUI for Masterminds!
My name is Steve DeStefano. I am a SwiftUI developer, and in collaboration with the brilliant programmer J.D. Gauchat, I have turned his best-selling book “SwiftUI for Masterminds” into this comprehensive developer course.

If you’re not familiar with SwiftUI, it’s a new way of programming apps and user interfaces with a declarative approach, allowing us to create incredibly cool apps with about 5 times less code than previous programming paradigms. Gone are the frustrations of working with storyboards and the unpopular auto layout system. Everything has been replaced with new, intuitive design tools within Xcode that make building interfaces as easy as dragging and dropping.

SwiftUI works on all Apple platforms, so you can build the app once and easily deploy it to any platform you want, including iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers.

This course differs from others in that we don’t just scratch the surface or create some simple applications. Here, we give you the SwiftUI framework, explained.

The course includes all the instructions, downloadable examples, and tools you need to build your own insanely great apps from scratch, without wasted time or chatter. I am strictly on point reading from the book, typing the code, and explaining to you how it works. I use labels and callouts to draw your attention to the code and the example at hand.

We take a smart approach. You’ll first learn how to use the SwiftUI framework and all the tools provided by Xcode, and then build the apps yourself with everything you have just learned.

You get the step-by-step instruction for each technology in the SwiftUI framework, and see how to use the different views, initializers, methods, and modifiers available.

Also included in the course are the corresponding codes for each lecture, so you can download them and use in your own apps right away. All built with the latest release, and tested to run perfectly. This is an extensive library of code, hundreds of examples highlighting the SwiftUI framework, neatly categorized for easy lookup and reference, so you have everything you need, when you need it, to create your own stunning apps to submit to the App Store.

No more fumbling through Apple’s convoluted documentation for hours trying to find what you need, or wasting time searching online for the right code. With this course, you get all the instructions and code necessary to develop your ideas and turn them into a working application.

If you’re new to Swift, no problem, there is a section at the beginning of the course that will walk you through the Swift Language and get you up to speed.

If you are an experienced programmer, this course will be the go-to resource, with an extensive database of instructions and downloadable code, ready to add to your own SwiftUI applications. The course is like a cookbook manual, but with detailed instructions that help you understand every technology included in SwiftUI.

So come code along with JD and myself and learn everything you need to know about the SwiftUI Framework and how to implement and leverage all its insanely great new technologies.
Learn from example!
App Development • Swift 6 Language (complete language) • Protocols • Frameworks • User Interface • View Protocol • Opaque Types • Text • Modifiers • Color View • Image View • Event Modifiers • Custom Modifiers • Layout • Safe Area • Priorities • Alignment Guides • Groups •  Custom Views • Previews • Preview Modifiers • Environment • Property Wrappers • @State • @Binding • @Environment • Model • Observable • Observation • Controls Button View • TextField View • SecureField View • Toggle View • Slider View • Stepper View • Navigation View • NavigationLink View • TabView View • Sheets • Popovers • Alert Views • Action Sheets • Split Views • Custom Navigation • Size Classes • Orientation • GeometryReader View• Preferences • Mac Catalyst • Conditional Code • Menu • Multiple Windows Support • Lists • ForEach View • ScrollView  • List View • Sections Edition Mode • Custom Buttons • Search • Picker View • DatePicker View • Forms • Shapes • Gradients • Images • Paths • Custom Shapes Transformations • Animations • Hit Testing • Transitions • Gesture • Notification Center • System Notifications • User Notifications • Provisional Notifications • User Defaults • File Manager • URLS and Paths • Files and Directories • Bundle • Archiving • Encoding and Decoding • JSON • Core Data • Core Data Model • Core Data Stack • Sort Descriptors • iCloud • Testing Devices • Key Value Storage • UIKit Integration • Web  • Safari View Controller • MapKit • Camera • Photo Library • Custom Camera • AviKit FrameWork • Custom Video Player • Collection View • Apple Developer Program • Publishing to the App Store • Certificates, Provisioning Profiles, Identifiers • App Store Connect • SwiftData •  And much more.
What our students are saying
"Steve DeStefano has put together a brilliant course "SwiftUI - The Complete Developer Course". Excellent resources, so many examples and downloadable code. I have found this course one of the easiest courses to follow building on knowledge throughout the 177! lectures. Steve recommends buying "SwiftUI for Masterminds" by J.D. Gauchat. I have also bought this book and highly endorse the combination."
"This was an excellent course. This was the first course I found that showed you how things worked rather than just telling you to type in the following code."
"This totally rocks. Goes above and beyond. Thanks."
"This is definitely great course for developers who want to have reference of all the swiftui tools."
"Very comprehensive presentation of SwiftUI. Steve does a great job presenting all the benefits ofSwiftUI. He has been very responsive to my questions as well which is a great help."
"This is very good! I like so much! This will give you the necessary to code! Also, gives you the details on how things works! Very happy with the course!"
"This is a truly excellent course. It doesn't just skim across the top of the features provided by Swiftui, it really delves deep into the nitty gritty of the why and the when and the how. It seems to be exhaustive in terms of what it covers (newly released Swiftui features coming soon in an update) and the coded examples are clear and thorough. Absolutely no complaints and looking forward to the update."
"I have the book and the course brings it to life - it's great to hear and see the examples. This course was extremely helpful in getting my app, Kratos Kegels, to the App Store!"
Step by Step
Learn only what you need when you need it. Each technology is introduced with examples that only implement what you already know, so you can focus on the new topic and effortlessly understand how it all works.
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For Masterminds books include everything you need to develop professional applications. Create amazing websites and insanely great apps for iPhones, iPads and Mac computers.